Artist? Maker? Small business owner?

Join us and feature your handmade goods!

Already a featured artist/maker?
Update your current listing for the Holidays!

Add new feature photos and update your links and content! Even upgrade from a Highlight listing to a Personal Page!


(Link for new applicants below)


Who can join?

We invite all Kodiak residents who are makers, artists, and producers to join!
(Multi-level marketing is not allowed at this time)

What are the perks of joining?

Our community loves to support our artists and makers! Our curated list is advertised to our Arts Council and Kodiak networks giving your shop exposure to people from all over Kodiak and even the US!

What are the listing options?

You can choose from 2 FREE listing options:

  1. HIGHLIGHT - Have your name, shop name, location, photo of a featured project and link to your shop listed on our directory page of makers

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2. PERSONAL PAGE - The above listing on our directory page linked to your personal page with your photo, short bio, social media links, and 4 featured product listings photos. If you take custom orders, we will include our contact info as well. If you sell locally you can also list locations. When promoting, you’ll be able to link shoppers directly to your page as well ie.

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How to join!

1. Submit the form below corresponding to your listing option choice!

Makers are listed on our directory in order of application received.

Photo requirements:

  • All photos must be cropped to a square, at least 800x800 pixels and in .jpg or .png format

  • We’ll need the following photos.

    • HIGHLIGHT listing

      • Your one featured product. Name image: YOURNAME.feature


      • Your head shot.

      • Your one featured product. Name image: YOURNAME.feature

      • Your four product photos (or 3 if you’d like us to use your feature photo).

        • Under each photo we’ll indicate the types of items/categories you sell. For example, pottery, watercolor, paintings, photography, etc. This will also help shoppers search for particular types of items.

        • Name images: YOURNAME.product1.category, YOURNAME.product2.category, YOURNAME.product3.category, YOURNAME.product4.category. Example: BobbySmith.product1.pottery, BobbySmith.product2.watercolor

2. Hear back from us!

Once we receive your submission we’ll confirm your membership, run your application by our team and if approved let you know!
We’ll be in touch within a week of receiving your application!

3. Get featured on our page and share with your networks!


Contact us!